Montgomery Baptist Church
MBC Outreach
Check out some photos from our previous volunteer trips
Current Events
5/10, 9AM-1PM, 1PM-5PM - Habitat for Humanity (H4H) ReStore Volunteer - 2/10 volunteers signed up thus far. Please let me know if you would like to sign up ASAP
5/17, 10 AM - H4HVolunteer - Assemble sandwiches for H4H to deliver at 11:15AM on-site (encouraging all youth to participate)
Erica Long, Program Coordinator,
MBC Outreach Team will be going to Stepping Stones on Sunday, May 18, 2014 @ 7:00 pm. All are welcome to join us.
The goal of the MBC Outreach team is to go out and be a blessing to all who are around, especially those in need. We willingly give up our time and devote our energy to helping those in need and in turn we hope to make an impact on the lives we touched so that they may be encouraged to join us in our worship.
In the past we have participated in the Big day of Service in Manassass, Virginia and served Thanksgiving dinners at the local men's shelter. MBC also partners with habitat for humanity and assists in building houses for low income families all over the nation.
Be sure to check out our current and upcoming events and see what you would like to participate in. Sign-up sheets are located at Montgomery Baptist Church on our bulletin board right next to the main entrance.